
The ANAtOLIA project started on February 1st, 2021 and will last four years until January 31th, 2025. The ANAtOLIA project is divided in 27 work packages spread over 4 years and including 8 different milestones. The Gantt diagram shownbelow present the calendar of the project with all work packages.

The 1 first year has been dedicated to the preliminary study of useful parameters, databases, and the definition & design of monitors able to measure the clouds, aerosols and optical turbulence. Since February 2021, the instruments have been installed at the Calern Observatory for onsky tests until January 2023. A second copy has been developed and now under tests on Calern Observatory. In the spring 2023, these two copies of ANAtOLIA station will be moved and installed on the selected sites. The selection of the sites where the ANAtOLIA station will be installed have been chosen jointly with ESA on the basis of a dedicated study of climate diversity.

The last 2 years will be dedicated to the monitoring campaigns, to the data analysis and to the correlation with other sources of data.
